Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Filling in the blanks.

Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Time: 11:09 a.m.

Thought/Quote/Verse/Idea for the day: "For lo, the winter is past, the rain [snow] is over and gone;"-SOS 2:11

I got up at: 7:30 a.m.

I am listening to: When we're together-Mark Harris

I most recently ate: A pretzel rod.

I am currently working on: The things I'm teaching this afternoon

Comfort food/beverage at the moment: Nothing at the moment...

I am looking forward to: GNC this afternoon!

I am reading: Nothing, shockingly enough...I finished Freckles this morning, and haven't started anything new! :-o

I am memorizing: Nothing for today

I am thinking: About many different things, as always.

Plans for the day: GNC in a few hours and Truth Project this evening.

In my hair: A braid and a bun.

Most recently wrote: A to-do list

I am thankful for: The incredible weather!

I am wearing: A denim skirt, green t-shirt, and white shrug

Latest gift listed in my notebook:

Christian self-help book I am currently reading: Nothing!

My surroundings: Unless I get a laptop, the answer to this question pretty much doesn't change. Just saying...

I am craving: A bunch of random things (fresh berries, string cheese); nothing super strongly, though.

I should be: Cleaning my room

Tomorrow I will: Go to a friend's house in the morning, GNC in the afternoon, and Western Civ in the evening.

Book I am contemplating reading next: Hm....not sure. One of my library books.

Random fact about myself: I get migraines when I don't wear my glasses :P

The weather is: Gorgeous--sunny, warm (!) and breezy.

Any library books at the moment: Just about always! :)

Movie(s) I watched within the week: Captain America

Indignant about: The fact that my glasses officially broke this morning. :( 

Random movie/book quote that's running through my head: Um...can't think of any at the moment.

Scratchy pen or smooth pen: Smooth.

Last thing I threw away: A tissue...

Last book I bought/received: Honestly don't know...

I am wondering:

Song stuck in my head:
'When we're together' :D

Most recent crazy plan:

Under the clip: Garden plans, GNC paperwork, my handbook for the missions trip this summer...

Random English word, compliments of the word-a-day on the dictionary app on my phone: Esculent--something edible, especially a vegetable

I learned today: Most recently? That esculant means 'something edible, especially a vegetable'...:P


 Because I'm working on gardening plans and can't wait to have flowers in our yard! :)

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