Well, beyond one or two more Christmas-related activities, Christmas has pretty much passed....mine was very, very good--I'm blessed. I hope the same is true for anyone else reading this. :)
I've always enjoyed Ashley's "I <3 Thursday" posts, so in a spur-of-the-moment decision I decided to add that to my whenever-I-feel-like-it rotation....if that makes any sense whatsoever. (Forgive me, I'm running on very little sleep right now. :P)
So, here's my first one:
This Thursday, some of the things I'm loving....
- Pinterest!
After debating for a long time over whether I wanted to try this or not, I took the plunge--and I'm having so much fun with it! I love being able to collect so many things that inspire me all in one place...and seeing what inspires other people! :)
- Christmas....I adore Christmas.
- Bing Crosby
- My Flexi-8
- Cozy sweaters, especially those that tie
- This song:
(I know this song is random, especially since I've listened to almost nothing except Christmas music lately, but this has been running through my head all evening, so there you have it!)
Well, there are many, many other things I'm loving this week--huge crowds of good friends crowding into our house for game nights and dinner together; watching old black-and-white movies with my family; walks to the lake with cousins and siblings, journal entries, binders, fuzzy socks, denim skirts, messy buns, train whistles in the middle of the night, collecting eggs at the end of the day, washing piles of dishes, letters in the mail...but I won't even try to list them all. :)
So, there you have it. That's all for now, folks!
Till next time,
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