Because it's been so long since I last posted, I felt like this place could use a bit of action. But a glance at the list of things-still-to-be-done-tonight cast a slight damper on that idea, so this will have to suffice for now.
Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Time: 8:45 p.m.
Thought/Quote/Verse/Idea for the day: "The man who has forgotten to be thankful has fallen asleep in life." -Robert Louis Stevenson
I got up at: 7:00 a.m.
I am listening to: Christmas music! :D
I most recently ate: Leftover turkey from Thanksgiving.
I am currently working on: A whole conglomeration of things
Comfort food/beverage at the moment: Hm...not sure.
I am looking forward to: Christmas. Snow. Packages arriving in the next few weeks (possibly the best part of online shopping!). Several of the things happening this week.
I am reading: Choosing Gratitude by Nancy Leigh Demoss. And I'm still plugging my way through Broke by Glen Beck, but I'm very nearly finished with it.
I am memorizing: Still working my way through 1 Corinthians. Very slowly.
I am thinking: About many different things, as always.
Plans for the day: Bible study and errands this morning, and the rest of the day has been full of those random scattered tasks around the house.
In my hair: A loose messy bun.
Most recently wrote: Part of a letter.
I am thankful for: Hope.
I am wearing: A denim skirt, fuzzy socks, a teal t-shirt and a cozy white sweater
Latest gift listed in my notebook: The living, active, transforming Word of God
Christian self-help book I am currently reading: The aforementioned Choosing Gratitude.
My surroundings: Unless I get a laptop, the answer to this question pretty much doesn't change. Just saying...
I am craving: My big fuzzy blanket and a book. And my journal.
I should be: Writing a couple of letters, finishing cleaning my bedroom, taking a shower, etc.
Tomorrow I will: Hopefully get a lot done around the house in the morning, go to GNC in the afternoon, then to Truth Project in the evening.
Book I am contemplating reading next: Hm....not sure. One of my library books.
Random fact about myself: I am so stubborn...and frequently so dense. *frustrated sigh*
The weather is: Clear and cold. And dark.
Any library books at the moment: Just about always! :)
Movie(s) I watched within the week: None, unless the Packer game counts, which it doesn't.
Indignant about: Indignant? Me? :)
Random movie/book quote that's running through my head: Nothing at the moment, surprisingly.
Scratchy pen or smooth pen: Smooth.
Last thing I threw away: A napkin.
Last book I bought/received: I just bought a whole bunch of books for Christmas gifts.
I am wondering: Hm....many things.
Song stuck in my head: He is God, one of our new CEF songs.
Most recent crazy plan: Ha ha...I actually did have one the other day, but it can't be shared here. ;)
Under the clip: The clip has burst. I really need to sort through this mound of paperwork....
Random English word, compliments of the word-a-day on the dictionary app on my phone: Serry: to crowd closely together.
I learned today: That 'Serry' means to crowd closely together ;)
Because I just decorated my Grandma's Christmas tree...and I'm currently unable to upload pictures from my camera onto the computer (Grr!)
Well, that's all for now. Hopefully more soon! :) (And something a bit more substantial...:P)
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